What is International Week?

International Week at Western is held annually in November as a campus-wide celebration of all things international. 

Our goal is to:

  • Celebrate Western’s international community, diversity and international collaborations
  • Learn about international opportunities for students, staff, faculty, and alumni both at home and abroad
  • Engage the London and campus communities in global learning and intercultural sharing; with specific effort to integrate domestic and international students
  • Promote and highlight diversity and inclusivity across campus and take a more integrated approach to showcasing internationalization

An annual event at many postsecondary institutions, International Week creates a dynamic learning experience for students, staff, faculty and community members focused on an inclusive, globally aware campus.

Save the date for 2024: November 18-22! Watch for more details on events and the schedule for 2024 to come soon!


Western International

Western International operates under the direction of the Vice-Provost (International). Our mission is to direct and support the University's international strategy, while acting as a resource to faculties and departments across the Western community.

We are dedicated to:

  •  fostering international learning opportunities
  •  recruiting and supporting international students
  •  enhancing overall global activity and awareness

Contact Us

For more information on international week contact: 519-661-2111 ext. 81350 or email intlweek@uwo.ca. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please let us know.