Western International
Phone: 519-661-2111
Event Planning
Thank you to faculty, staff and students across Western who contribute to making International Week such a dynamic learning experience and fun-filled week.
We encourage faculties and departments to work on signature events for their area or partner together on interdisciplinary events. Please contact us with any questions.
What kinds of events are possible?
- lectures, workshops or panel presentations
- students or others sharing international experiences or intercultural insights
- cultural celebrations, demonstrations or performances
- roundtable discussions to explore issues or topics related internationalization, international learning or other global themes
- foreign films, language learning opportunities, or art exhibitions with an international theme
- events that celebrate and recognize diversity
- events that incorporate community partners or alumni
- poster presentations
- a non-event event: consider a social media campaign to foster dialogue and engage your area in a conversation about internationalization or an international topic; or encourage faculty, staff and students to talk about their international experiences in classes or as part of their daily interactions that week
Be creative! The possibilities are endless.
If you need help or are looking for a sounding board for ideas, please feel free to contact Western International at